雯的美食介绍 Simone's Recommendation : 米香饭堂 Mi Xiang Kitchen

大家下午好 !
这位于Taman Bukit Anggerik的小小饭堂,隐藏着接近正宗台式卤肉饭的味道哦 😁

Good afternoon everyone !
I am going to recommend tasty food to all of you today !
There is a 'hidden germ' in here where this little dining canteen serves the Taiwanese Style Braised pork rice which has a taste that is close to the authentic taste of the Taiwan Braised Pork Rice.

米香饭堂的菜单: 台式卤肉饭, 潮州式卤肉饭, 卤汁梅菜, 卤蛋以及卤豆腐
Here's the menu offering by Mi Xiang Kitchen : Taiwanese Style Braised Pork Rice, Teochew Style Braised Pork Rice, Pickled Mustard with Gravy Sauce, Braised Egg and Braised Tofu

米香饭堂的灵魂人物,老板本人 (老板很害羞,不敢看镜头😂)
The owner, who is also the big shot for the Mi Xiang Kitchen (Owner was to shy to look at the camera 😂)

Simple little dining canteen, the ambiance is clean and tidy. It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon when we visited.

台式卤肉饭 Taiwanese Style Braised Pork Rice (RM5.50)

The taste of this Taiwanese Style Braised Pork Rice was just right, not too sweet or too salty, unlike many local Taiwanese restaurants that I have visited. The aromatic braised sauce penetrates into each rice grain, and the rice is well cooked. The taste is quite authentic which is really close to the original one in Taiwan, though the portion of this bowl of braised pork rice is considered to be quite small (According to local portion, or my appetite is too big ? 😂). The boss told us he learnt this from an old "sifu" in Taipei during his time being as a backpacker in Taiwan for more than a year, when we had a little chat with him. This bowl of beautiful combination has reminded me of the great moments of tasting the delicious authentic Taiwan braised pork rices during the Taiwan trip.

潮州卤肉饭 Teochew Style Braised Pork Rice (RM6.50)
无论潮州式还是客家式的卤肉饭平日里都是我个人最喜爱的料理之一,而这碗潮州式的亦没让我失望。半肥瘦参半的潮州式卤肉Q弹滑嫩却不腻,卤汁不会过咸,差不多可以追上妈妈煮的味道与等级了(还是我妈煮的最棒!尤其是客家式的❤呵呵😆😍😂 【孩子的心声lol】)。

Braised pork rice, regardless of whether in Teochew or Hakka Styles, is one of my favourite dish. This bowl of Teochew Style Braised Pork Rice didn't disappoint me. The pork which consisted of lean meat and fat is tender but not greasy, almost can compete with mom's level (Still my mom's is the best ! Especially the Hakka Style ❤ hehe 😆😍😂 [The voice of a child lol]).

卤豆腐Braised Tofu (RM2,00) 与 卤蛋 (RM1.20)

简朴的小小饭堂,简单的平民美食,加上OK的价格,喜欢吃卤肉饭的朋友们不妨来试试哦 😉

1)食物整体表现 Overall food & quality ratings : 8.0 /10 

2)整体环境卫生 Environment & Hygiene : 6.2/10 (以小档口饭堂来说算干净,只不过是蛮热的)(It is considered clean as a little stall & canteen, but feels hot when having meal here)

3)服务态度 : 9.0/10 (跟老板聊了几句发现老板挺亲切的,哈哈)(Found that the owner is friendly after a few chats with him, haha)

4)营业时间 Business Hours : 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM Daily

5)地址 Address: Jalan 34/154, Taman Bukit Anggerik, Cheras, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur

6)联络 Contact : +6016-4972033,或是面子书 or FB - https://www.facebook.com/米香饭堂


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