23.5 °N 北緯研製 新升級米粹舒緩活酵系列28天初體驗用後感 Rice Soothing Active+ Series 28 Days First Trial Reviews
今天我要與大家分享近期我很喜歡也正在愛用中的保養品牌,23.5 °N 北緯研製新升級米粹舒
緩活酵系列的產品用後感。#米粹奇蹟的100種可能 #百人體驗員
Good evening everyone !
It's been a long time to be back to my blog due to busy working lifestyle.
Today I want to share to all of you about 23.5 °N's Rice Soothing Active+ Series 28 Days First Trial Reviews that I have been using recently, which is also the brand that I currently like.
#100MiraclePossibilitiesOfRiceSoothingActivePlusSeries #OneHundredExperiencers
首先我想向大家,尤其本地的朋友們介紹這個剛進軍大馬市場不久的台灣天然護膚品牌。品牌創辦人Helen Ho 在離開廣告業後在嘉南(台灣西南部的平原)生活的那幾年裏被生活中四周圍的稻穗與被山頭一樣大的夕陽染成一整片橘紅色的地平線所啟發,因而走上一條為了生產製造出天然植萃護膚品牌而訪遍各地原鄉去找尋純淨植萃來源的美麗之路。#100MiraclePossibilitiesOfRiceSoothingActivePlusSeries #OneHundredExperiencers
First of all I want to introduce this Taiwan natural skincare brand which just entering Malaysia's beauty market not long ago to all of you, especially to local friends.The brand was being established during that time the founder of 23.5 °N, Helen Ho was inspired by the nature beauty of the paddy field surrounding her and also the entire orange-colored skyline dyed by a mountain-like sunset when she lived in Jianan (Taiwan's South West plain). She was then visited villages in order to find out the purest plant resources as the ingredients to produce high quality purely plant extracts skincare products.
The brand believes that the healthy, beautiful skin is originated from the vegetables, grains and fruits that we consume in our daily life. By using purely natural plant extracts which is sourced from the plants originally cultivated by the farmers and excluding unnecessary synthetic fragrance, chemicals as well as synthetic dyes, the simple yet efficient plant formula can actually helps to achieve healthy skin. This formula is actually specially formulated for tropical and humid areas.
As the brand's mission said : 1) Natural Origin 2) Fragrance Free 3) Simple Formula 4) Fresh Made
As an organic beauty enthusiast, the brand's philosophy really grabs my attention. I agree with the brand's philosophy that the best way to take care of our skin is by using the simple formula with additive free which originated from the foods on our dining table in order to ensure the security of usage. This is because what we apply on our skin and our bodies in fact have significant impacts in our bloods, organs and the body health.
現在大家對於23.5 °N 北緯研製的啟發故事和出發點有了基本的了解,我們就正式開始進入正題吧!
Now everyone of you has a basic understanding about the inspiring story behind the brand, now let's start entering to our main topic today !
23.5 °N 北緯研製旗下有五大系列針對不同的膚質和問題:
The below listed are the 5 main series of 23.5 °N targeting different skin types and issues:
1)米粹舒緩活酵系列 - 舒緩提亮肌膚,主要適用於曬後肌,敏感肌,痘痘肌,出油暗沉肌以及問題型肌膚
Rice Soothing Active+ Series - Soothes & brightens skin, suitable for sunburn skin, sensitive skin, acne prone skin and problematic skin
2)紅薏仁系列 - 淨白潤澤肌膚,主要適用於膚色不均肌,一般普通肌,偏乾燥肌和熟齡肌
Red Barley Series - Whitening & hydrating, suitable for uneven skin tone, normal skin, dry skin and aging skin
3)桂竹系列 - 保濕補水嫩膚,主要適用於缺水肌,乾燥肌和一般普通肌
Bamboo series - Moistures the skin, suitable for dehydrated skin, dry skin and normal skin
4)東方美人茶系列 - 控油平衡,主要適用於油性肌和毛孔粗大肌
Oriental Beauty Series - Purifying & cleansing, suitable for oily skin & skin type with enlarged pores
5)植皂系列 - 主要針對不同類型膚質作清潔護理
The Soap Series - Cleanses different skin type with a range of different cold pressed soaps
再進入體驗用後感環節之前,首先我真的很感謝 23.5 °N 北緯研製選中我一起加入百人體驗員
Before discussing about the products' reviews, I want to say thank you to 23.5 °N for choosing me as a participant of 100 people experiencers to experience the newly upgraded Rice Soothing Active+ Gel Mask and Rice Soothing Active+ Ultra Feather Mask. #100MiraclePossibilitiesOfRiceSoothingActivePlusSeries
1)新升級米粹舒緩活酵凍膜 (年度銷售冠軍)Newly Upgraded Rice Soothing Active+ Gel Mask (The Bestseller)
僅僅十項原料種類來源的單純配方的米粹凍膜,搭配獨特研發的鎖水膜體加壓設計,可舒緩鎮定易受外界刺激而引起泛紅不適的敏感脆弱肌,令人困擾的粉刺痘痘肌以及改善日曬後的乾燥不適。米粹產地源自於雲林斗六深圳崙 23°68'N,120°51'E, 採自然農法耕植,原料成份通過無農藥檢測,而且無添加很容易刺激肌膚的酒精香料喔😊
Rice Soothing Active+ Gel Mask is the bestseller ever since the brand was established. This newly upgraded version that I received has added more concentrated rice yeast extract to its ingredients, which transforms into tiny amino acid particles that are even more easily to be absorbing by the skin cells,bringing long hours of hydration & skin revitalizing ability.
This product can soothes & calms the delicate sensitive skin which is easily affected by environmental factors & pollution, acne prone skin & sunburn skin by only 10 ingredients formulated with unique moisture locking design. The rice & fermented rice extracts are originated from Yunlin County in Taiwan Province 23°68'N,120°51'E. The plant is originally cultivated by the farmer and the raw materials passed the test of no pesticide. Besides, the gel mask is formulated without the skin-irritating alcohol and fragrances.
Brand's packaging concept is minimalist and close to the nature.
There are 7 farming plants' extracts in this gel mask, what makes people happy is that the rice & rice yeast extracts are being listed at the front of the ingredient list (The more that particular ingredient is ranked in front of the ingredient list, it indicates that this ingredient occupies higher percentage of amount in this product)
You can smell a strong scent of fermented rice yeast as you open the hygienic sticker cover, whereas the old version has a smell of freshly rice scent.
這款凍膜可分成兩用,第一是厚敷一層靜置20分鐘當急救保養再稍作按摩沖洗掉,第二可薄敷一層當晚安凍膜使用。我偶爾曬後會厚敷,但比較常在晚上抹了化妝水與精華液後薄敷一層當鎖水舒緩晚安凍膜睡覺,塗抹上臉後會有一陣舒適沁涼的感覺。這次新版的比舊版的會被肌膚吸收得快一些,被肌膚吸收後會感覺有一層薄薄的“凝膠狀保護膜”敷在你臉上,醒來一覺枕頭不會被產品沾到弄到黏黏的。由於我的膚質是屬於很敏感的粉刺痘痘型肌膚,因此市面上許多大熱的保濕晚安面膜我都不會去買來用,算是在晚間保養程序上極少會用上晚安面膜,不知其他品牌的也會不會黏住枕頭, 至少這款當晚安凍膜是能讓我很安心和舒服地去睡覺 😂
There are two ways of using this gel mask, the first method is by applying a thick layer on your face, waits for 20 minutes, gently massage & rinse off. The second method is by applying a thin layer on your face as a sleeping mask. I use the first method occasionally, but I normally apply a thin layer of this gel mask as a sleeping mask after applying toner & serum. The mask has cooling & comfortable sensations on your skin once you apply it onto your face. I could feel that this new version is much more easily to be absorbing into my skin as comparing to the old version. You will feel that there is a layer of "thin gel-type protector" on your face once the gel mask is fully absorbed by your skin. What I like about this mask is that it won't leave a sticky residue on your pillow. I rarely use sleeping mask due to my sensitive acne prone skin type, so I am not sure if other brands' sleeping masks will leave a sticky residue on the pillow. But at least I can use this gel mask as my sleeping mask comfortably. 😂
順帶一提,這化粧水與精華液延展性很好,少份量即可推開至全臉,很快會被肌膚吸收,保濕力是屬於適合炎熱潮濕地帶的清爽型,對於我來說這等保濕力已經足夠了,呵呵。這兩款桂竹系列亦很溫和,不會敏感 (基於每個人膚質不同,對會引發敏感的植物也不同,建議在嘗試任何保養品之前還是先局部做個過敏測試哦,我本人對抗炎的金盞花過敏)有時痘痘熟成擠完黑頭粉刺濃頭有傷口需要保濕的時候塗上也不會刺痛和紅腫。
I tried once in a night before that I only applied this gel mask before going to bed. I found out that the absorbing ability was not as good as when you apply your basic skincare routine before applying the gel mask. So my suggestion is please don't skip your basic skincare routine before you applying this gel mask, haha !
And oh, I will normally use the Bamboo Ultra Hydrating Toner and the Bamboo Ultra Hydrating Serum (Gifts received during 23.5 °N launching event in M'sia) before I apply this gel mask for better penetration into the skin layer. These two products are really gentle on my skin (I still advice all of you to do a patch test first before trying out any new skincare products, as different skin types will reacts to different plant extract, in my case, I am allergic to Calendula flower)These two products hydrate my skin well without leaving a heavy & greasy residue on my face (Which is really suitable for tropical & humid areas). Moreover, they won't sting the wounds on my face after squeezing the blackheads, blemishes & acne.
Dang dang ! It took me some times to build up the courage to upload the photo of my usual skin condition. It had an minor improvement when I used the old version, well at least I won't easily get big red acne on my chin & face. But still my skin condition is bad right ? 😂I really like to put on makeup, but I will try to avoid not to makeup if I don't have to makeup. I will apply a thin layer of sunscreen as skin protector daily & make sure I cleanse my skin properly every day & night. The acne scars and red spots shown in the photo above are mainly due to menstrual cycle & hormone imbalance (Now I am in the progress of recovering myself by trying my best not to accumulate stress, not to stay up late night, drink & eat more liver detoxing herbal teas & foods, and lastly eat less fried spicy foods) I also have many weird tiny brownish spots on my face (They are not acne scars nor blemishes), they are not itchy & really hard to be removed after trying out so many products, maybe because they are due to my delicate sensitive skin ?
這是大概使用凍膜三個星期後的效果 (我一星期會有四天當作晚安凍膜使用)可見某些痘疤紅印已經慢慢地被淡化,泛紅問題也有些改善,對於較嚴重的痘疤則暫時還沒什麼看到效果,依然需要時間去慢慢消印退紅。凍膜的保濕鎖水效果是挺好的,不再有脫皮的症狀出現。至於黑頭,毛孔粗大與出油的問題還是有在,針對這三個問題目前沒見到有多大改善。淡褐色小印印的問題還是存在。
This is the result after using the gel mask for 3 weeks (I will use it as sleeping mask 4 times a week).As from the photo you can see that some acne scars, red spots are slowly fading away and there is an improvement for the redness problem. It has no significant result on my big acne scars yet. It hydrated & locked in moisture of my skin well, the flaky skin has been fully recovered. It didn't work well on the blackheads, enlarged pores and oily skin problems. Those weird tiny brownish spots are still there.
新升級米粹舒緩活酵凍膜整體評價 Newly Upgraded Rice Soothing Active+ Gel Mask Overall Ratings:
a) 舒緩鎮定 : 3.8/5 (比舊版的舒緩效果好一些)
Soothing & calming : 3.8/ 5 ( I think this new version soothes my skin better than the old version)
b) 消炎痘痘 :2.8/5 (老實說,使用後對於我肌膚而言並沒有很快將紅腫痘痘消腫下去的明 顯效果, 但對於較小的痘痘和粉刺還是有些許改善)
Diminishes acne : 2.8/5 (TBH, it worked on small blemishes but it has no significant improvement on the big red acnes)
c) 保濕鎖水:4.7/5 (保濕效果👍)
Hydrating & Moisture Lock-in : 4.7/5 ( Worked really well !)
d) 膚色提亮:2.7/5 (剛厚敷和睡醒後有看到膚色比較均勻,也有一些提亮,不過沒有很明顯的明亮效果)
Brightening effect : 2.7/5 (Has a little improvements on my uneven skin tone)
e) 溫和親膚 : 5/5 (不知其他人是否也覺得如此, 但在我體驗下來我認為23.5 °N北緯研製的這 款凍膜和其他產品是絕對的溫和!)(我也有使用品牌的桂竹活水洗顏霜,桂竹活水凍膜【贈品】,紅薏仁白潤眼周凝膠和使用過米粹舒緩活酵凝露哦 😊)
Gentle on skin : 5/5 (I am not sure if others think the same, but for me 23.5 °N products are really gentle !)(I am using the Bamboo Ultra Hydrating Facial Cleanser, Bamboo Ultra Hydrating Gel Mask [Gifts received during 23.5 °N event], Red Pearl Barley Whitening Eye Gel & I have used Rice Soothing Active+ Moisturizer before)
2)新升級米粹舒緩活酵羽透氧面膜 Newly Upgraded Rice Soothing Active+ Ultra Feather Mask
與新升級米粹舒緩活酵凍膜一起收到的這款新升级面膜採用了羽透氧 【3D長絲棉絨纎維】,獨特的創新立體棉絨技術,為可自然分解環保材質。長絲圓柔纎維膚觸舒適柔軟且十分服貼,添加了更濃縮的米粹酵母,能濕潤角質保濕導入肌膚之餘,也讓肌膚角質通暢呼吸。
This newly upgraded sheet mask which I received together with the gel mask is by implementing the 3D unique ultra feather technology, and this material can be recycled. Richer and more concentrated rice yeast extracts has been added, this mask can let your skin 'breathe' besides delivering moisture to your skin. It fits to your face really well and it feels very
comfortable on your face.
如同產品名字一樣,真的是十分服貼親膚和透氣!幾乎隱形透明的棉絨纎維材質敷在臉上意外地感覺到源源不斷的前導精華液和水份滲透進肌膚角質層,十分保濕 💗二十分鐘後摘下面膜主要能夠感受到肌膚的含水量大幅提升,有些許舒緩鎮靜和提亮的效果。使用過後並沒發生因精華液太濃太多而悶出痘痘的問題,所以這款面膜除了適合乾燥肌,亦很適合出油和痘痘肌。
This ultra-feather mask really feels light, thin and comfortable on my skin as the description said ! Although it really thin till the extend of nearly transparent, it still moistures my skin really well. 💗 It soothes & brightens up my skin at a certain level. One thing I really like about this mask is that it won't cause breakouts on my skin because of over rich serums. Therefore, this mask is also suitable for oily and acne prone skin types besides dry skin type.
新升級米粹舒緩活酵羽透氧面膜整體評價 Newly Upgraded Rice Soothing Active+ Ultra Feather Mask Overall Ratings
a) 保濕鎖水 : 5/5 (絕對滿分💯!)
Hydrating & moisture Lock-in : 5/5 💯!
b) 舒適服貼 :5/5 (絕對滿分💯!)
Comfortable & fitting : 5/5 💯!
c) 舒緩鎮定 :3.8/5
Soothing & calming : 3.8/5
d) 消炎痘痘 : 2.8/5
Diminishes acne : 2.8/5
e) 膚色提亮:3.2/5 (提亮效果比凍膜高一些,可能基於片狀面膜是濃縮精華液的關係)
Brightening: 3.2/5 (It has better brightening effect than the gel mask, maybe because sheet mask is wrapped with rich serums)
f) 溫和親膚 : 5/5
Gentle on skin : 5/5
總結而言,這28天23.5 °N 北緯研製新升級米粹舒緩活酵系列的體驗過程中是舒適的,而且沒發生任何過敏狀況。品牌的產品不是那種短時間內會看見成效的快效護膚品(除了保濕很快見效,我覺得品牌產品的保濕鎖水功能整體都很好),但通常這類護膚品在使用安全性上是絕對溫和以及安全的。
有時候很快見到效果的護膚品由於加入许多激素,實際上對於肌膚和身體而言都不是一件好事。比起更快要看到效果,我認為必須更要重視使用的安全性。基於品牌的護膚品都是採自然農法耕植,嚴密的原料成份檢測和使用起來十分溫和且令消費者安心,所以我還是很推薦23.5 °N 北緯研製給大家 😄
In conclusion, the 28 days experiences of using this Rice Soothing Active+ Series by 23.5 °N are comfortable, I didn't experience any allergy reaction towards the products. 23.5 °N products are not those kind of skincare products that will show immediate results (Except the hydrating one, I think the products did a great job in hydrating the skin) , but usually this kind of skincare products are gentle to our skin and they are safe to use as they don't include harsh chemicals which may irritate our skins and even harm our body. Therefore, I really recommend 23.5 °N products to all of you 😄
*本地的朋友們可以在SASA實體店面購買23.5 °N 北緯研製的產品哦
For local friends, you can purchase 23.5 °N products at SASA outlets
官方網站 (Official website) - http://www.235n.com.tw/
官方粉絲團 (Official FB Fan Page) - http://www.facebook.com/235nofficial/
Official Instagram Account : @23.5nofficial
Wish everyone of you has a nice day ! ❤️😘
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